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Monday, December 26, 2011

Earth Science MCQ Paper

Earth Science MCQ Paper

Geology Practice Paper

Q.1: When the aquifer is heterogeneous the screen should be installed:

a) ln the most permeable portion of the aquifer.

b) Throughout the aquifer.

c) ln the upper portion of the aquifer.

d) In the lower portion of the aquifer.


Q.2: The choice of screen material and screen design is governed by:

a) The size and gradation of aquifer materials.

b) The discharge.

c) Chemical quality of ground water.

d) All the above.


Q.3: Effective size is the size of the sieve which separated:

a)40 % of coarser material

b) 90 % of coarser material

c) 90 % of finer materials

d) 25 % of coarser materials.


Q.4 : When water quality ls corrosive, the recommended material for well Screen ls :

a) Steel.

b) Motel.

c) Ever dour. .

d) PVC, fiber glass.


Q.5: The production capacity of a well is rated by its:

a) Well loss.

b) Specific capacity.

c) Thickness of aquifer.

d) Permeability of the aquifer.


Q.6: The maximum permissible limit of fluoride in ppm in drinking water is:

a) 18

b) 30

c) 45

d) 50


Q.7: The solubility of fluorite in pure water at 25°C is:

a) 8.7 ppm.

b) 6.3 ppm.

c) 7.0 ppm.

d) 9.3 ppm.


Q.10 : The most Important” water quality parameter for domestic use of water is :

a) Carbonate hardness.

b) Non - Carbonate hardness.

c) Coli form group of organisms.

d) Chlorides.


Q.11 : Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of a sample is always greater than Biochemical

Oxygen Demand (BOD) since it represents:

a) Biodegradable Organic matter.

b) Biodegradable and non - biodegradable organic matter.

c) Non - biodegradable organic matter.

d) Inorganic matter.


Q.12: Presence of excess nitrates in river water indicates:

a) Recent pollution of water with sewage.

b) Past pollution of water with sewage.

c) Immediate pollution of water with sewage.

d) No pollution of water with sewage.


Q.13: Water table is:

a) The upper surface of the aeration zone.

b) The upper surface of the saturation zone.

c) The lower surface ofthe saturation zone.

d) Found 'within the saturation zone.


Q.14: According to new groundwater concept, the ground water layers,

which are separated by hydro-geoids level, area.

a) Permeable zone and Density zone.

b) Gravitational groundwater and Gravitational groundwater.

c) Dynamic groundwater and Gravitational groundwater.

d) Dynamic groundwater and statie groundwater.


Q.15 : The water from the gravitational groundwater mainly depends upon the :

a) Rock type.

b) Permeability.

c) Soil thickness.

d) Strata thickness.


Q.16 : ‘DRASTIC’ is a :

a) New method used for determination of groundwater quality.

b) Standardized system to evaluate groundwater pollution potential using hydrogeologic setting.

c) Method, adopted for finding out depth of the groundwater table at any given site.

d) None of these.


Q.17: Match the following columns :

I Il

1) Continuous model. i) Kprchhoff’s law

2) Membrane model ii) Laminer flow through parallel plates.

3) Resistance - Capacitance analog model iii) Electrolytic tank

4) Hele- shaw model iv) Hookes’ law.


b)1-iv, 2-ii, 3-I, 4-iii

c) 1-iii, 2-I, 3-iv, 4-ii

d) 1-I, 2-iv, 3-iii, 4-ii


Q.18: A crystal which possesses only the internal atomic structure without the development of

Corresponding external form is known as:

(a) Perfect crystal.

(b) Crystalline.

(c) Amorphous substance.

(d) None of these.

Answer. (b)

Q.19: Euler’s formula is:

(a) F + A = E + 2

(b) F - A = E + 2

(c) F - A = E - 2

(d) F + A = E - 2

Answer. (a)

Q.20: Match the following:

I ll

1. Pedion. i. Open form, consisting of two faces.

2. Pinacoid. ii. Open form, consisting of four faces.

3. Prism. iii. One face only.

4. Pyramid. iv. Closed form, having eight faces.

(a) 1-i, 2-ii, 3-iii, 4-iv.

(b) 1-iii, 2-i, 3-ii, 4-iv.

(c) 1-iii, 2-ii, 3-iv, 4-i.

(d) 1-iv, 2-i, 3-ii, 4-i.

Answer. (b)

Q.21: Diametral prisms occur in the:

(a) Orthorhombic system.

(b) Monoclinic system.

(c) Triclinic system.

(d) All system.

Answer. (d)

Q.22: What is the maximum number of axis of

symmetry found in known crystal systems:

(a) 9.

(b) 11.

(c) 13.

(d) 15.

Answer. (c)

Q.23: Pseudo-symmetry may be due to:

(a) Twinning.

(b) Distortion.

(c) Imitation of interfacial angles.

(d) All the above.

Answer. (d)

Q.24: Which instrument is used to measure the interfacial-angle of crystals:

(a) Spectrophotometer.

(b) Goniometer.

(c) Gravimeter.

(d) Theodolite.

Answer. (b)

Q.25: The classification of the crystal systems is based on:

(a) Angular relationship existing between the crystallographic axes.

(b) Number of crystallographic axes.

(c) Relative length of the crystallographic.

(d) All the above.

Answer. (d)

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