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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

General Knowledge (Assertion & Reason) Test Paper

General Knowledge (Assertion & Reason) Test Paper

GK Model Test Paper

Directions: Given below are two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). In the context of the two statements, which of the following is correct?

(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

(b) Both A and Rare true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

(c) A is true but R is false.

(d) A is false but R is true.

1. Assertion (A): The solar eclipse occurs twice during a month but it is not always observed.

Reason (R) The solar eclipse occurs on the days of the new moon.


2. Assertion (A)Ozone in stratosphere is good for normal life-on the earth’s surface. Reason (R): Ozone layer does not absorb the ultraviolet rays of the sun that

affect living beings.


3. Assertion (A) : Forests play an important role in flood prevention.

Reason (R) : Trees hold the soil together and prevent erosion by rainy water.


4. Assertion (A) : Laterite soil is very useful for agriculture.

Reason (R): Laterite soil is clay formed by weathering of rocks in a tropical climate and contains the hydrated oxides of iron and aluminums.


5. Assertion (A): Water in fields for paddy cultivation should not be stagnant.

Reason (R): Soil aeration and nitrate formation are impeded in stagnant water and this decreases yield.


6. Assertion (A) :Textiles and apparel establishments have the largest number of industrial workers in Japan.

Reason (R) : Japan is one of the leading exporters of cotton textiles in the world.


7. Assertion (A) Rift valleys are formed from faulting basins.

Reason (R): The earth movements which have brought some changes in the landscape were vertical giving rise to formation of faults.


8. Assertion (A) : Alluvial soils refer to the soils built up of sediments by running water of the rivers and streams.

Reason (R): Alluvial soil has no stratification.


9. Assertion (A) The Mediterranean climate is characterised by dry summers and wet winters. Reason (R): There is a distinct shift in pressure and wind belts with respect to the movement of sun.


10. Assertion (A): China is the most populous country in the world. -

Reason (R): It has the most fertile land in the world.


11. Assertion (A) : Isotherms have a general east- west trend around the earth.

Reason (R): There is a general decrease of isolation from equator to polar regions.


12. Assertion (A) : Evergreen, forest are mainly concentrated in the equatorial regions. Reason (R): These regions receive very high rainfall.


13. Assertion (A) Only 50 percent of the moon’s surface is directly visible from the earth. Reason (R) The period of rotation of the moon on its axis is equal to the period of its revolution round the earth.


14. Assertion (A) : There is no change of seasons in the regions near the equator.

Reason (R) : The equator is an imaginary line at the centre of the hemisphere.


15. Assertion (A) The thickness of the troposphere is the greatest at the equator.

Reason (R): Near the equator, insolation is high and convection currents strong.


16. Assertion (A) Salinity in inland seas and lakes is higher.

Reason (R): Supply of fresh water in such areas is lower.


17. Assertion (A) : On the equinoxes, the day and night are equal all over the globe. Reason (R) : On equinoxes, the position of earth with respect to the sun is such that neither pole is inclined towards the sun.


18. Assertion (A) : Frost action is the most powerful disintegrating agent in nature.

Reason (R) : By alternate thawing and freezing the rock is broken up.


19. Assertion (A) : Japan holds a very high place in the world production of steel.

Reason (R): Like U.S.A. and U.S.S.R., Japan has large deposits of iron Ore.


20. Assertion (A) : Forests in India constitute one of the most important natural resources of the country.

Reason (R): Chipko movement in India fights against denudation of forests.


21. Assertion (A) : The temperature of the earth is increasing with time.

Reason (R): Carbon dioxide content of the air is increasing due to burning of fuels.


22. Assertion (A) The low tide is higher than normal at the time of Neap Tide.

Reason (R): Neap Tides occur at the time of full moon.


23. Assertion (A) : Our solar system consists of planets and satellites.

Reason (R) Every planet has satellite(s).


24. Assertion (A) Marble is a very hard rock.

Reason (R) Marble is an igneous rock.


25. Assertion (A) : The greatest of all sea routes is the North Atlantic route.

Reason (R): North Atlantic Route is between north - west Europe and North America, two highly industrialised regions.


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