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Friday, January 6, 2012

Psychology UPSC Model Sample Paper

Psychology UPSC Model Sample Paper

Practice Question Paper Psychology

1. Ecology literally means the study of earth’s households including the plants, animals, micro-organisms and people that live together as interdependent components : it is the view of

(a) E.P. Odum

(b) Sigmund Freud

(c) B.F. Skinner

(d) All of the above

Ans. (a)

2. Contra prepared behaviours are those that can be learned

(a) Only with great difficulty, if at all

(b) Very easily

(c) Simultaneously with other work

(d) Cannot be learned

Ans. (a)

3. The____ psychologist is more apt to focus n the current or ongoing situational influences on human behaviour than on developmental or personality factors.

(a) Environmental

(b) Social

(c) Psycho-social

(d) None of the above

Ans. (b)

4. Learning of any new____ requires the understanding and internalisation of values, attitudes and behavioural characteristics of given religious, political, occupational, economic, caste and even play groups.

(a) Habit structure

(b) Skill of interaction

(c) Social role

(d) None of the above

Ans. (c)

5. A stimulus that may influence operant behaviour is called a

(a) Positive stimulus

(b) Negative stimulus

(c) Discriminative stimulus

(d) Powerful stimulus

Ans. (c)

6. may be defined as pattern of behaviour existing within any group whose members

share meanings and symbols for communicating those meanings.

(a) Community

(b) Culture

(c) Socialisation

(d) None of the above

Ans. (b)

7. The process by which organisms learn to respond to certain stimuli but not to others, is known as

(a) Stimulus Discrimination

(b) Response Discrimination

(c) Stimulus Generalization

(d) Spontaneous Recovery

Ans. (a)

8. ____ may be considered as a life-long process converting raw material into a finished product by making the human being an effective member of the society.

(a) Socialisation

(b) Imitation

(c) Transmission of culture

(d) None of the above

Ans. (a)

9. The principle stating that a more preferred activity can be used to reinforce a less preferred activity, is known as

(a) Shaping Principle

(b) Generalization

(c) Premack principle

(d) Peak principle

Ans. (c)

10. ___is the process by which an individual comes to define himself in terms of his nation, social class, religious group etc.

(a) Identification

(b) Internalisation

(c) Imitation

(d) None of the above

Ans. (a)

11. Sometimes ____ are formed to rationalize our prejudices or to justify shabby treatment of the individuals on the basis of some group characteristics that neither they nor the group actually possess.

(a) Peer group

(b) Social groups

(c) Stereotypes

(d) None of the above

Ans. (c)

12. In many situations individuals observe others and emulate their behaviour. This observational learning is called

(a) Modelling

(b) Model behaviour

(c) Instrumental

(d) Operant

Ans. (a)

13. ____ requires that we be able to predict to some extent that new individuals will behave as others like them have behaved in the post.

(a) Social interpretation

(b) Social interaction

(c) Social standard

(d) None of the above

Ans. (b)

14. As____ noted in his famous book on prejudice, interracial contacts lead to decreased prejudice only when the participants are of equal status.

(a) Sigmund Freud

(b) Lewis Terman

(c) Gordon Allport

(d) None of the above

Ans. (c)

15. An adolescent’s____ has greater appeal to him than his parents, teachers and other olders because it is more interesting and easily available to them.

(a) Peer group

(b) Club

(c) Vocational group

(d) None of the above

Ans. (a)

16. ______ is a peculiar situation in which an organism learns a habit to do nothing when it is necessary to do something to obtain a reward

(a) Learned Indolence

(b) Self punitive behaviour

(c) Learned helplessness

(d) None of the above

Ans. (a)

17. ____consists of all organised activities systematically arranged to cater to all-round growth and development of its students.

(a) Club

(b) School

(c) Social organisation

(d) None of the above

Ans. (b)

18. The process by which information about others is converted into more or less enduring cognitions or thoughts about them is called

(a) Impression formation

(b) Cognitive Framework

(c) Stereotype formation

(d) Systematic distortion

Ans. (a)

19. Experimental investigations studies are verbal learning influenced by the

(a) Length of the list to be learned

(b) Meaningfulness of the material

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of the above

Ans. (c)

20. Consider the following statements about self- report methods.

1. Attitudes are measured by attitude items

2. For self-report measures an attitude item consists of a question r statement about the object and a format for the response

3. The format can be fixed where the categories for the response are named

4. The format can be open ended where respondents use their own words

Which of the above statements are correct?

(a) 1 and 3

(b) 1, 2 and 3

(c) 1, 2, 3 and 4

(d) 2 and 3

Ans. (c)

21. The cognitive dissonance theory of attitude is proposed by

(a) Leon Festinger (1957)

(b) Heider(1958)

(c) Aronson (1968)

(d) Likert (1957)

Ans. (a)

22. The cognitive response approaches focus on the fact that

(a) The recipient does more than react to the external information

(b) The recipient also generates thoughts about the information

(c) These thoughts can increase, neutralize or even reverse the intended impact of the information

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

23. Verbal learning is

(a) Intentional

(b) Incidental

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Occupational

Ans. (c)

24. Consider the following statements about attitude

1. Evidence indicates that attitudes formed on the basis of direct experience often exert stronger effects on behaviour than those formed indirectly through hearsay.

2. Attitude strength, an important factor, involves the strength of the attitudes in question.

3. Strength includes several components like, the intensity of an attitude, its importance, knowledge and accessibility.

4. Attitude strength is not important in determining the extent to which attitudes are related to overt behaviour

Which of the above statements is correct?

(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4

(b) 1 and 2

(c) 1, 2 and 3

(d) 3 and 4

Ans. (c)

25. Operant conditioning is influenced by

(a) Features of reinforcers such as type, number, quality and schedule

(b) The nature of response to be conditioned

(c) The interval that lapses between occurrence of response and reinforcement

(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

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