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Monday, March 5, 2012

General Knowledge Cvil Service Exams GK Paper

General Knowledge Cvil Service Exams GK  Paper
IAS,IES  Practice Questions
1. What should the UNO and USA do to curb Terrorism?
(a) Declare war on states promoting terrorism
(b) Impose economic sanctions against states promoting terrorism
(c) Declare them as terrorist states
(d) All of the above
Ans. (b)
2. The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) held its first summit in 1961 at
(a) Cairo
(b) Jakarta
(c) New Delhi
(d) Be1grade
Ans. (d)

3. The 5 principles of Panchsheel  were adopted by the first Afro-Asian Conference at Bandung in
(a) 1956
(b) 1955
(c) 1958
(d) 1957
Ans. (b)

4. Which among the following is NOT the principle of Indian Foreign Policy?
(a) Disarmament
(b) Anti-imperialism
(c) Peaceful coexistence
(d) Nuclearisation
Ans. (d)
5. Veto in the UN Security Council means the rejection of a substantive resolution by
(a) The majority of members voting against it
(b) Least one of the permanent members voting against it
(c) All the members voting against it
(d) None of these
Ans. (b)

6. The League of Nations was established in
(a) 1917
(b) 1918
(c) 1919
(d) 1920
Ans. (d)

7. The main organ of UNO is the
(a) General Assembly
(b) Security Council
(c) International Court of justice
(d) Al1 of the above
Ans. (d)
8. Where is the permanent headquarter of the International Court of Justice?
(a) London
(b) Moscow
(c) Washington
(d) The Hague
Ans. (d)

9. Of the following, which country is NOT the permanent member of the Security Council?
(a) Russia
(b) USA
(c) Britain
(d) Italy
Ans. (d)

10. Where is the headquarters of the Food & Agricultural Organisation?
(a) Rome
(b) London
(c) Paris
(d) New York
Ans. (a)

11. The General Assembly of the UNO holds its meetings
(a) Once a year
(b) Twice a year
(c) Once in two year
(d) Once is three years
Ans. (a)

12. The main objective of the United Nations Organizations is to
(a) Maintain international peace and security
(b) Develop friendly relations among nations
(c) Bring out cooperation in solving various problems, facing the world.
(d) All the above
Ans. (d)

13. The nations emerged as two big powers of the world after World War II were
(a) Russia and China
(b) England and USA
(c) USSR and USA
(d) China and England
Ans. (c)

14. SAARC stands for
(a) South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
(b) South Asian Association for Religious Cooperation
(c) South Asian Association for Rural Cooperation
(d) none of the above
Ans. (a)
15. The recent SAARC summit in January, 2004 was hell at
(a) Islamabad
(b) New Delhi
(c) Colombo
(d) Dhaka
Ans. (a)

16. If India becomes a permanent member of the Security Council, then
(a) India will be an advanced country
(b) India will get veto power
(c) India becomes the only permanent member in Asia
(d) India can impose trade sanctions
Ans. (b)

17. Which one of the following leaders did NOT play ay role in the formation of the NAM?
(a) John F. Kennedy
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) President Naseer
(d) Marshal Tito
Ans. (a)
18. India’s foreign policy is based on
(a) non-alignment
(b) independent
(c) the western bloc
(d) the eastern bloc
Ans. (a)
19. The oldest issue of dispute between India and Pakistan has been
(a) river water dispute
(b) Afghanistan issue
(c) Kashmir issue
(d) Punjab issue
Ans. (c)

20. When was the Simla Agreement signed between India and Pakistan?
(a) 1971
(b) 1972
(c) 1974
(d) 1977
Ans. (b)

21. The non-aligned movement arose to
(a) bring cooperation between Asian and African countries
(b) end the Cold War
(c) safeguard independence of Asian and African countries
(d) develop friendly relations among nations
Ans. (c)

22. The Security Council of the UNO has
(a) 10 members
(b) 15 members
(c) 20 members
(d) none of these
Ans. (b)
23. NAM has _______ members at present.
(a) 115
(b) 125
(c) 110
(d) 120
Ans. (a)

24. The reason why India adopted the policy of non-alignment is that it
(a) did not want to join any power block
(b) wanted to keep its separate identity
(c) wanted to build up a third block
(d) wanted to build up its military strength
Ans. (b)

25. Which of the following organizations was established to promote peace cooperation among the nations of the world?
(a) The Holy Alliance
(b) The League of Nation
(c) he United Nations Organization
(d) All the above
Ans. (d)

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