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Thursday, May 10, 2012

English Language Test Bank PO & Clerical Objective Paper

English Language Test Bank PO & Clerical Objective Paper
English MCQ Sample Paper

Directions: Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the
blanks to make the sentence meaningfully complete
1. Everyone of us should endeavor to........the miseries of the poor.
(a) Diffuse
(b) Mitigate
(c) Condemn
(d) Suppress
(e) Acknowledge
Answer. (b)

2. These medicines are........for curing cold.
(a) Proper
(b) Real
(c) Effective
(d) Capable
(e) Powerful
Answer. (c)

3. Since she is a teacher of language, one would not expect her to be guilty of a.......
(a) Aberration
(b) Solecism
(c) Schism
(d) Bombast
(e) Stanchion
Answer. (b)

4. I will write a letter to you tentatively the dates of the programme.
(a) Involving
(b) Urging
(c) Guiding
(d) Indicating
(e) Propagating
Answer. (d)

5. Contemporary economic development differs........from the Industrial
      Revolution of the 19th century.
(a) Naturally
(b) Usually
(c) Literally
(d) Specially
(e) Markedly
Answer. (e)

6. The word gharana points to the........concepts of stylistic individuality and
      handing down of tradition within family confines.
(a) Joint
(b) Conflicting
(c) Dual
(d) Contradictory
(e) Extraordinary
 Answer. (c)

7. It was the help he got from his friends which.......him through the tragedy.
(a) Helped
(b) Boosted
(c) Perked
(d) Supported
(e) Sustained
Answer. (e)

8. The criminals managed to escape from the prison even though two armed
       policemen were........vigil over them.
(a) Taking
(b) Putting
(c) Guarding 
(c) Keeping
(e) Looking
Answer. (d)
9. The speaker did not properly use the time as he went on........on one point Alone.
(a) Dilating
(b) Devoting
(c) Deliberating
(d) Diliting
(e) Distributing
Answer. (c)

10. The final electoral rolls have been intensively revised through house to house........
(a) Investigation
(b) Enunciation
(c) Enumeration
(d) Documentation
(e) Categorization
Answer. (c)

11. The unruly behavior of the students their teacher.
(a) Tempered
(b) Incensed
(c) Aggrieved
(d) Clashed
(e) Impeached
Answer. (b)

12. Even in today’s modern society, people…..god to bring rains.
(a) Provoke
(b) Evoke
(c) Appeal
(d) Propitiate
(e) Superimpose
Answer. (b)

13. The good is often........with their bones.
(a) Buried
(b) Covered
(c) Exhumed
(d) Interred
(e) Fleshed
Answer. (d)

14. He knew that social evils were only........of deeper maladies.
(a) Cause
(b) Indications
(c) Part
(d) Consequences
(e) Manifestations
Answer. (e)

15. The judge complimented the young witness for standing up to
       the........cross examination.
(a) Terrible
(b) Tedious
(c) Arduous
(d) Lengthy
(e) Grueling
Answer. (e)

16. With the the country the Government is gearing itself to
       quell the rebellion.
(a) Disturbances
(b) Tension
(c) Unrest
(d) Insurgency
(e) Coup
Answer. (c)

17. Sachin was to reach that afternoon but was up at Delhi for some personal-work.
(a) Kept
(b) Held
(c) Delayed
(d) Stayed
(e) Detained
Answer. (b)

18. He........his shoes till they shone.
(a) Brushed
(b) Scrubbed
(c) Shined
(d) Polished
(e) Wiped
Answer. (d)

19. The poor ones continue to........out a living inspite of economic liberalization
      in that country.
(a) Find
(b) Go
(c) Eke
(d) Bring
(e) Manage
Answer. (c)

20. He should be dismissed for his........remarks about his superiors.
(a) Critical
(b) Depreciatory
(c) Scurrilous
(d) Laudatory
(e) Impeccable
Answer. (c)

21. After discussing the matter for about an hour, the committee........without having
       reached any decision.
(a) Dispersed
(b) Dissolved
(c) Postponed
(d) Withdrew
(e) Adjourned
Answer. (e)

22. The Government is certain to......the publication of any details of this
       fraudulent research.
(a) Retain
(b) Restrict
(c) Delay
(d) Prohibit
(e) Conceal
Answer. (d)

23. The security for the Ministers has been up following the attack at a public
       meeting last evening.
(a) Steered
(b) Geared
(c) Speeded
(d) Bloated
(e) Beefed
Answer. (e)

24. General awareness and education facilitate the........of specific skills.
(a) Creation
(b) Requirement
(c) Acquisition
(d) Procurement
(e) Organization
Answer. (c)

25. A number of advances in medicine would have been........sooner if tree enquiry
       had been common and orthodox thinking habits had been rare.
(a)  Persisted
(b) Inducted
(c) Secured
(d) Achieved
(e) Propagated
Answer. (d)

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